Her attire will be quite simple, yet effective in capturing the look of the criminally insane. The costume is actually inspired by a character featured in an episode of "Black Mirror", found on Netflix. Shanna will be wearing raggedy sweat pants, a ripped and somewhat stained t-shirt, and basic sneakers. Some minor details in the look will be chipped nail polish, dark under eye circles, and teased messed-up bed hair...to the extreme. Obviously, this costume is as basic as it gets, but De-Ranged Pictures feels that this is a simple but also quite realistic representation of a schizophrenic patient being treated at an asylum-like facility. We were careful not to make the costuming too blatant, while also not being too subtle, because the entire point of a psychological thriller is suspense and mystery. Basically, we do not want the audience to be sure that our heroine is actually crazy until the end of our two minute introduction. Hopefully, the costuming we have picked will lend itself to the audience mentality we are trying to create. Hopefully, our character Abigail will be a 'happy medium' between these two depictions of female asylum patients shown below...

Next stop: Filming. Stay Tuned! The hard work has yet to begin.
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